HBHS ASATI Inflatable Dome


Hamilton Boys High School / Broadspan Facilities Limited








4 Months
The new ASATI inflatable dome structure, provides Hamilton Boys High School with a covered arena boasting 6 permanent indoor cricket nets, warm up space for hockey, half basketball courts and what will be a valuable, flexible recreation and training space.

iLine was engaged by Broadspan Facilities Limited to construct 170m of 900mm deep x 600mm wide reinforced concrete foundations to support the 1,400m2 inflatable structure. iLine provided planning, expertise and innovative solutions to assist with the overall constructability of the project.

Construction works, material deliveries and heavy machinery activities were carefully coordinated to minimise disruption to the school, and to ensure safe passage for staff and students at all times.

iLines ongoing involvement in this project, assisting with further stages of the dome inflation/erection, door installation and external ramping is a testament to our working relationship with the project team.